Highland View Farm

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Fresh Chicken Available July 2nd

We are moving our butchering date up to next week! Partly because I am bad at math and mostly because these birds are ready to go! Fresh chicken will be available this Thursday, July 2nd. Whole birds for $5.50/lb and halves/quarters for $6.50/lb. Email us at highlandviewfarmalstead@gmail.com if you would like to reserve as quantities will be limited.

This is the slower growing Red Ranger breed of chickens raised right here at our farm in Alstead, NH. This breed of chicken has more dark meat vs. white meat like you would traditionally see in the supermarket chickens. They spent a couple months out to pasture allowing them to graze around like chickens are supposed to do. Any feed we give them is Non-GMO, but they usually don’t even finish what we give them each day because they love foraging so much.

We really do take pride in raising our chickens in a humane way and it feels good to know that we know where the food is coming from that we are consuming. Your conventional chicken found in a grocery store was likely raised in some filthy poultry house where the birds do not see the light of day and is part of a broken industrial food system that does not care about animals nor the farmers that it contracts with.

Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing fresh chicken! If you have not tried the Red Ranger variety yet, I highly recommend you give it a try especially if you are partial to dark meat and don’t care for the super sized freakish chicken you see in the store. The flavor is also much different - more similar to the chicken of the “days of old” before the super fast Cornish breeds were developed (and for a quite some time, pumped up with antibiotics - for some excellent background on this, check out Big Chicken by Maryn McKenna).

I could go on and on… but that’s all for now! As always, if you have any questions please reach out to us at highlandviewfarmalstead@gmail.com.